When re-shooting this we used a wide variety of angles so that when it came to editing we could cut a lot faster and more on the beat which will look more professional and also fit conventions more of a rock video. In this scene we had Lee and myself meet which was to show part of the band getting together so that it would not look odd in the band shots were from being alone he was now with two other people. Lee and myself walk out of the park together were it then cuts straight to them being together in the band were they are playing their instruments.
Friday, 13 December 2013
Filming Log 8
Because of issues from the first shooting of this scene in the music video we had to re-film this park scene, reasons for this were because in the original version we did not have Liam's tripod so a lot of the shots were hand held. In this second attempt at this scene we had also replaced Liam with Lee, this is because Liam had some issues with his leg and could not walk long distances so instead of waiting for him to recover which would of taken time we instead replaced him with another character. We also decided to cut out the scene of me and Sophie together, our key reason for this was because we needed to trim down the narrative so that we could focus more on the band and tell less story which was a big issue in the making of the music video.
Friday, 6 December 2013
Monday, 2 December 2013
Shooting Log Three
Park scene:

Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Friday, 22 November 2013
Filming - Log Post Five
Today for filming we went and shot the scenes from the train station, this involved us walking of to the station where the character I play misses the train, however good fortune starts to turn in his favour as my character and the band member played by Liam meet up with the other band member played by Kieran, then then walk off out of the station to go and perform together. To film this we mainly used long shots as we had to capture the whole area such as the train and bend members, we then finish up with the 3 members walking back up the stairs with myself in the middle, this is to show the unity in the band and how they always stick together, when we meet Kieran he takes my coat as it shows him helping out and being their for his band member.
Here is where Andrew and Liam both walked down the stairs, this is too show them waiting for the train but what it also is too show is how Andrew's day keeps getting worse, this is showed here by him missing the train.

This shot here is when the band members are united, they make a dramatic walk of here together to show they are ready to face the troubles together and there to help one another. This is the end of the narrative and where the shots of the band performing begins after.
The only issue we faced with this was that we had to get to the station on time so that their was a train there so we could make it look like Andrew had just missed it but his friend and fellow band member had just turned up. This being Kieran.

This shot here is when the band members are united, they make a dramatic walk of here together to show they are ready to face the troubles together and there to help one another. This is the end of the narrative and where the shots of the band performing begins after.
The only issue we faced with this was that we had to get to the station on time so that their was a train there so we could make it look like Andrew had just missed it but his friend and fellow band member had just turned up. This being Kieran.
Friday, 8 November 2013
Second Filming Lesson Log Two
In the second filming session we began fully filming, in this session we filmed the start of our music video when myself is being kicked out of the house by Sophie, we recorded Sophie throwing boxes at myself and also myself being slapped by Sophie, this is to show the anger Sophie has for Andrew at this point in time and make the throwing out scene look as dramatic as possible since he is being kicked out of the house and at this point appears to have nothing. This begins the sequence of the lip syncing and leads off to very rest of the story where Andrew is meant to be doing some soul searching to find what he must do now.
Here we have a image of when Andrew is being pushed out of the house, we had to make this look dramatic so that it was believable and would lead on well to the rest of the narrative as it is centred around Andrew trying to sort out his life from here on.
First Filming Session Log Post One
In the first filming session we went out with a clear idea that we needed to do some testing first, this was to try and establish from the performance how much room we would actually needed and if it would be possible to get the shots we wanted done, once this was established we then began to do some filming of myself lip syncing with Liam recording. The session was mainly focused on my self and we recorded mostly close u[s and medium close ups as we were getting the solo shots done today. The footage that we are taking from this will be used for either cutaways during the narrative and also when the band is performing at the end. Below are some of the practise shots that were taken of Andrew singing so that we could get a good idea of where to go from here.
Monday, 4 November 2013
Permission Email
Here we have sent an email to the production company asking for permission to use their song in our music video project.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Friday, 18 October 2013
Talent Release Form
Tuesday, 15 October 2013

These below are the posters my group made, they are good as we all seem to share similar ideas on how we should design our final product, we all choose to put at least the main singer on the front of the poster and I feel we will combine what we did to form a advertisement we all like, this will most likely be the one 3rd down but with a few changes, these could be things such as having the other members on the front by presented by the second one down that Sophie has made.

This image here is the one the best, this is because it shows the audience a lot of good information and also sets the right image for our style of band, the brick wall in the background and this man in the monkey suit in front of it makes it look
very sharp and I feel with a bit more work and added features that this would be the best base for a poster of our band.

Shooting Schedule


These are our digipacks for planning what our cover could be like. From it we all seemed to have similar ideas which has made it a lot easier to decide what direction we should go in. From this we drew the conclusion that our bands front image should have the main singer on the cover in a monkey mask which will help brand the band along with him in a suit to show the sophistication of our music. However, on top of this we are also considering having the other two members standing behind Andrew side on so the audience can who is in a band and see it features three people. We will either go for a black and white cover to get across the ''old school'' feel we want or go for a red curtain stage background to show we are a big band who tours a lot. The front cover will also as usual include the name of our band which is ''Bass Monkeys'' so people know who will are and brand us better.

Monday, 14 October 2013
List of props, Costumes, Make-up and Equipment
Because we are doing a song by the Kaiser Chiefs I thought it would be good to start of looking at what they wear, as you can see the Kaiser Chiefs go for the typical dark colours with the lead singer in the middle of the band. The lead singer stands out because of his positioning but also because of the shirt he is wearing, he is the only person who is wearing red so I think it would work well if the band members for my group wore similar colours whilst I was to wear something that stood out so it helps establish me as the lead singer of the group. Below I will show you some examples of what I would like my band members to wear.

Below are some of the clothes that I think we should wear or at least follow its style, from it you can that it is very similar to the Kaiser Chiefs and also because of this t follows the traditional rock conventions so our mise en scene will good and our characters we thus come across as more professional. We need to use dark clothes to get it right but they have to look casual too, we don't want our performers looking as if they are tying too hard but instead so that it looks more natural and that these clothes suit them which is why we have chosen from this selection.

We shall also use boxes as props in our music video. This will be used by Sophie to chuck at me because I am meant to be thrown out of my house so this is help to add to that, once they have been thrown at me I pick them up and walk away with them.

A microphone will be used by myself as I am the lead singer, this is to help establish myself and give of a more professional feel and look to the video. It will also meet the conventions of a music video which will help give us more marks.
These are instruments I would like to use as it would suit the typical conventions of the rock genre, the drums will be played by Kieran whilst Liam will play the drums. This is because these are their assigned to the members of the band. It also needs to be in the video as you will always see rock bands using these specific instruments.

Below are some of the clothes that I think we should wear or at least follow its style, from it you can that it is very similar to the Kaiser Chiefs and also because of this t follows the traditional rock conventions so our mise en scene will good and our characters we thus come across as more professional. We need to use dark clothes to get it right but they have to look casual too, we don't want our performers looking as if they are tying too hard but instead so that it looks more natural and that these clothes suit them which is why we have chosen from this selection.

We shall also use boxes as props in our music video. This will be used by Sophie to chuck at me because I am meant to be thrown out of my house so this is help to add to that, once they have been thrown at me I pick them up and walk away with them.

A microphone will be used by myself as I am the lead singer, this is to help establish myself and give of a more professional feel and look to the video. It will also meet the conventions of a music video which will help give us more marks.

Friday, 11 October 2013
Storyboard Video
Here is our storyboard put into the form of a video, it is to give a vague idea of what we have decided to do so that we can follow this or at least stay very close to the narrative being shown, this so that when we actually begin to start filming the music video we can get the timing of the shots correct and also from this we know what we will be doing for each part from looking at this video of the storyboard. By having this video version of the storyboard we can also have a good form of a idea of when the cuts should be, so that it looks good cutting to the beat which is good as it follows the typical music video conventions.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Monday, 7 October 2013
Location Shots
Below are the pictures one of the locations we shall be using, this one in particular will be my house where we will film the opening shots of the breakup between Andrew and Sophie, inside of the house will be where Andrew is kicked out and then outside he will have his boxes thrown at him. In the front room we shall use the room for the band. This is because it is fairly big which will give us enough room to fit the instruments and everyone inside of it and also it is not too far from the school so we can easily bring the instruments to it. In the front room the close ups and long shots etc will take place whilst the outside of the house shall be mainly used to show Andrew begging Sophie to forgive him, we won't see Sophie in the front room as we want to use it for the bands performance and we feel if she is seen in their it may confuse the audience.

Below are pictured from the location we would like to film at for our music video, we have chosen this location because we feel that it would be a great place for the narrative as it is based around a breakup between two characters, the main character played by Andrew goes to this place as he wants to try and remember the good times of the past and we shall include flashbacks to it looks like past memories. However at the park he will be under a lot of bad luck and not have much go right for him so that his day becomes worse and worse, this is to fit into the lyrics so that it flows well. The park is also full of locations that will be useful to use and also during the day is fairly empty so we shall not have people get in the way of our filming.

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