Friday, 5 July 2013

Teenagers Music Video

With our music video the goods things about it was it often cut to the beat, the lip syning was good and the shots used were good and not of a poor quality performance.

To start with the cuts to the beat was a  good thing as we felt that it would be more like a music video and feel professional rather than just useing the basic random cuts of random footage that is of time.
The lip syncing was well as it the fitted the person lips and therefore looked professional.
The footage we used was not of half hearted performances and looked good.

What need to be added to improve it however was to use a lot more cut aways so that it does feel longer and stays interesting, also cut aways would make it look more professonal.
Their was also a part were the screen went black were I had not put any footage their, this would need to be addressed if this was the real thing as it was a mistake that I hadn't noticed due to running out of time.