With the sound it follows the typical convention of a rock video, these being that it has the sound of instruments particularly guitars in the background with the lead singer in the background, their is only diegetic sound in this video like in most rock videos.
The video uses a lot of close ups of the instruments which is very conventional of a rock video along with close up's of the faces so that the audience can make a connection, it also uses low angles shots where the person the shot is on will look into the camera which works well as it makes them look bigger and on a grander scale, finally it uses longshots to get all of the members in which is to show the audience that this is a band and not a one mean group, each person has an important role to play
The mise en scene remains very basic for this video, this is because they are not wearing traditional rock clothes like you would expect but very casual clothing items, this makes them come across as more normal which could allow the audience connect more to them, The lead singer also wears a cool pair of shades to make him stand out that much more which is good as it is important to establish the lead singer. We also have shots of the instruments being used which is good as it establishes to the audience what is being used and who is doing what.
The mise en scene in this video is very good as we see a fair bit from this, by this I mean we everything we would expect to see, we are given shots of the instruments being used by the band which is conventional, also we see the artist himself along with his band which again is conventional as it allows the audience to make a connection with the band. The band wear the colours of a rock band as in they are dark however that type of clothing they are wearing is not common as rock bands usually or at least when this song came out went with a scruffier look
The editing of the pace for this video remains conventional as it uses quick cuts to go from shot to shot at a quick pace so that it blends in well with the lyrics and sticks to the conventions of a rock video and doesn't look out of place.
Similar to the video before we only hear sound from the band, the instrumental sound in this video is a lot more powerful however and to some extent taken to another level as everything feels a lot grander which fits in well with the huge scale of Coldplay.

With this video the mise en scene is a lot more different to the typical conventions you would expect, although they follow the conventions of having the band members in the video along with the instruments the clothes they wear is not what you would expect from a rock band in the sense that they are a lot brighter and an unusual choice for this genre.
The editing remains conventional as you would expect from the rock genre, it maintains a fast pace going from shot to shot to keep the audience watching so they do not lose interest and turn over, they use standard cuts to keep the tempo at a fast pace so the shots feel more fluid which work really well.
For the sound similar to the other two videos analysed above it features just the band and lead singer in it with no other noise which is good as you want everyone focused on them and nobody else.
With this music video we see the typical shot types from this genre, it uses long shots and medium shots to establish the bands and close ups of the lead singer so that the audience can make a connection.
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